Juan Forch, political scientist, filmmaker, publicist and one of the brains behind the famous NO political campaign in Chile in 1988. This campaign was later made into a film directed by Juan Pablo Larraín and starring Gael García Bernal, which was nominated for an Oscar as one of the best foreign films.

“It is an excellent metaphor...

Some people prepare to travel the motorways of life by equipping themselves with fast engines and soft seats, while others choose secondary roads with slower speeds and cheaper tolls.

Many have to travel in group buses, which can be bumpy and accompanied by clattering music. Many people are forced to walk on difficult paths, facing threats from animals and insects.

However, in the Lord's vineyard, everyone can choose their path.

Germán Toro Ghio's stories reveal that some people have chosen unconventional paths, including lifts, descenders, cliffs, flying machines, and more.

Right from the first story, he takes us on a rollercoaster ride, mixing the discomfort of a Moscow hotel with adventures in the Nicaraguan jungle. It feels like Germán Toro Ghio is letting us taste a small quantity of everything he has in his pantry, and I hope he continues to cook up and deliver more in his successive books. All of his stories are welcome. The story of experiences away from the battlefields and palaces enhances history.

Juan Ignacio Rubiolo, Executive Vice President and President of International Business. The AES Corporation.

"I have had the opportunity to work with Germán for many years. He is a professional of integrity, committed and up to date with business information beyond the short-termism of the day-to-day, which translates into a very accurate analysis of the environment, he has an exceptional human approach to managing relations with the different stakeholders. Undoubtedly a great leader with the unique quality of always finding shortcuts to create value in extreme environments".

Our references...

Bredyg Aimme Disla Sepúlveda, Directora corporativa de Comunicación, AES Dominicana.

"Germán es un profesional extraordinario; fue mi mentor durante más de 14 años, de quien aprendí a tener los ojos bien abiertos, a mirar a 360 grados. Algo que nunca olvidaré es cómo siempre protegió a su equipó eso sí, implacable con la mediocridad, llevándonos siempre a esforzarnos por un crecimiento continuo en lo profesional y, sobre todo como seres humanos. Siempre llamó de mi atención sus conocimientos en economía y finanzas, lo cual con el estudio se logra, si no su capacidad en resolver ecuaciones complejas a la velocidad de un tiro al aire. Debo reconocer que, en un inicio, no es fácil adaptarse a la complejidad de un líder tan exigente pero después con el pasar del tiempo uno lo agradece por el resto de la vida. En mi desarrollo profesional, exigió de mí, me enseño y protegió hasta llegar a ser hoy, madre de 2 hijos, esposa y el profesional que hoy soy en día. Un excelente estratega, sobre todo un noble ser humano."

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